What is BOID in Groww?

BOID stands for Beneficial Owner Identification Number. A 16-digit number that helps in the identification of demat accounts. For every Groww account, the BO ID will be different. Understand What is BOID in Groww by following our step-by-step guide.
Steps To Find BOID in Groww
BOID registry is done by the depository participant (DP). And the registration is done in the CDSL. But on Groww you can find BOID in 4 simple steps :
1. Open the Groww app on mobile/web.
2. Tap “Profile”.
3. Tap “Account Details”.
4. The Demat Acc Number/BOID option will show BOID.
So this is how you can find your BO ID number on Groww. And you can use it for authentication and verification.
Also, Check - How to Do Intraday Trading On Groww App
For TPIN verification in Groww, BOI ID is used. Also, it strengthens the security mechanism of the Groww app. However, the BOI ID is only shown after creating the trading account in the Groww app.

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