How to do KYC on 5paisa?

If you are looking to start investing and trading through 5paisa, then it’s one of the best choices to take your first step with your KYC, so for this, you have to know about how to do KYC on 5paisa. So completion of the KYC is mandatory for opening the demat account and trading account.
Steps to do KYC on 5paisa
Here are the step-by-step instructions to do KYC on 5paisa:
1. Open the 5paisa.
2. Click on the “Open free demat account”.
3. Enter your mobile number.
4. Enter your OTP for the verification of your number.
5. Then enter your email address for the verification, and then continue.
6. Now, enter your PAN account number.
7. Enter your date of birth and then tap on the Continue button.
8. Then msg will pop up that your PAN detail is verified.
9. Verify your address then tap on the continue with above address.
10. Then you will get two options for linking the bank account choose and tap on the proceed button and link the bank account.
11. Then tap on the agree button if you agree with the terms and conditions.
12. Enter your personal details such father's full name, Gender, and material status, and then tap on the next button.
13. Choose your occupation.
14. Choose the source of income.
15. Then choose your annual income, agree with the all terms and conditions, and accept if you were born in India.
16. Now click on the open camera and take your selfie.
17. Draw your e-sign.
18. Now click on the continue button.
19. Agree with the terms and conditions, and then click on the proceed to Aadhaae e-sign.
20. Now save the document, and then click on the proceed button.
21. Now agree with the terms and conditions, and then click on the signed document.
22. Tap on the box, enter the Aadhaar card number, and then click on send OTP.
23. Enter the OTP and then click on Verify OTP.
24. Click on the Ok button.
25. Click on the continue button.
26. Now click on the Go to Home Page.
27. Now it will show that your account activation has been initiated, so when it is verified you can start your trading soon. So after activation, you can log in to your trading account.
In conclusion, the KYC process on this 5paisa platform is a very easy and seamless process, by KYC you can get your demat account activated and then start your trading or investing. So we hope our blog on How to do KYC on 5paisa is informative for you.

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