How to Cancel Withdraw Requests in Groww?

Groww provides the feature of withdrawing cancel requests. Know "How to Cancel Withdraw Requests in Groww?". But before cancelling any request check whehter its an important investment in stocks or mutual fund.
Steps to Cancel Withdraw Requests in Groww
1. Open Groww app on mobile/web.
2. Tap on the profile section.
3. Tap on “All Transactions”.
4. Open the withdrawal request.
5. Tap “Cancel Withdraw”.
6. Tap “Confirm”.
7. Withdrawal Request will get cancelled.
NOTE : Withdraw Cancel Request is available on Saturday and Sunday. On other working days this option is not available.
Also, Check - What is the Price Limit on the Groww
Overall withdrawal requests take out the investors money from Groww account to the bank account. And the investor can easily transfer the funds.

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