How to Trade in the Commodity Market Zerodha?
If you want to trade in the commodity market Zerodha but don’t know how it works, then don’t worry we are here to provide you the information related to How to trade in the Commodity market Zerodha.
Zerodha allows its users to create a commodity account to trade in the Commodity market Zerodha. So here the users trade commodities by using the same equity account balance without maintaining a separate commodity account.
So here are some things to know about trading commodities in Zerodha: you can add the MCX F&O contract to your watchlist by typing the MC 1300. Here you need to select the category individual for each commodity here in Zerodha.
So if you are not actively involved in productivity or distributing a commodity, you can choose the other option from the drop-down menu. So here we will discuss more about the trades in the commodity in Zerodha, or also more about commodity accounts in this blog.
How to Open a Commodity Account?
So if you want to trade in the commodity market then you need to have an account, so resident individual account holder can open a commodity account online if their mobile number is linked to their Aadhaar. So if not then you can follow the offline process.
Partnership, corporate, HUF, LLP, society, and the trust account holder can only open a commodity account offline. Zerodha has made online and offline account openings free for the resident Indian account from 29th June 2024. Here are the given steps to open an account a commodity account.
- Visit to the Zerodha official website.
- Log in to Console Zerodha.
- Click on the Activate segment.
- Now click on the commodity account.
- After that click on the continue button.
- Now select select the income range, commodity trading classification, and trade experience.
- Now click on the choose file option then upload the required document (income proof).
- Then enter the password if the file is password protected.
- Accept all terms and conditions.
- Now click on the continue button.
- Then click on the proceed to e-sign and then on sign now.
- Accept the terms and conditions.
- Enter the Aadhar number.
- Now click on the send OTP.
- Enter the OTP that you receive at your registered mobile number.
- Click on the Verify OTP
Note: if you want to open your account offline then courier the segment addition form, and self-attested income proof to this address: Zerodha, 153/154, 4th Cross, J.P Nagar 4th Phase, Opp. Clarence Public School, Bengaluru - 560078
Also, Check - Upstox vs Zerodha: Features Comparison, Charges & Review
Steps to Trade in the Commodity Through The Zerodha
So to trade in commodity through the Zerodha Platform, you need to have a commodity trading account with Zerodha. So if you have already an Equity trading and demat account.
Then you need to activate the commodity trading segment which is through Zerodha Console, so Zerodha does not offer only commodity trading accounts to clients, so here are the instructions you just need to follow the given steps for Zerodha Commodity trading:
- Navigate to the Zerodha official website.
- Login to the Zerodha Kite.
- Add the MCX contracts to the market watchlist.
- Then select the contract from the watchlist.
- Click on the Buy and Sell option as according to your preference.
- Now input the quantity, order type, validity, and product types.
- Then swipe to buy or sell.
Now you need to ensure to have a sufficient margin in the commodity trading account for successful order placement.
Cheapest Commodity Broker in the Indian List
Here is the cheapest commodity broker in the Indian list, let have a look at it.
Rank | Broker | Active Clients | Brokerage |
1 | Zerodha | 7,884,365 | INR 20 per executed order or .03% whichever is lower |
2 | Angel One | 7,132,861 | INR 20 per executed order |
3 | Upstox | 2,771,549 | INR 20 per executed order or 0.05% whichever is lower |
4 | Dhan | 739,810 | INR 20 or 0.03% of trade value, whichever is lower |
5 | 5paisa | 526,773 | INR 20 per executed order |
6 | Fyers | 240,489 | 0.03% or INR 20, whichever is lower |
7 | Alice Blue | 161,168 | INR 20 per order or 0.05% whichever is lower |
8 | SAMCO | 96,900 | INR 20 per trade or 0.05% (whichever is lower) |
9 | Tradingo | 80,523 | INR 20 per trade or 0.05% (whichever is lower) |
10 | TradeSmart | 28,408 | Rs 15 per order |
Note: it may differ from the original data as data fluctuate from time to time for an accurate amount you can visit the official website of the Broker.
In conclusion, we have mentioned all the details that you have to know about How to trade in the Commodity market Zerodha. We also discuss, about commodity market, trade in the Commodity through Zerodha, and many more. We hope the information in this blog is helpful and informative.
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